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Whether you write for profit or just for fun, making sure you give yourself a personal "Professional Writer" Image" will improve the quality of your writing. The "Tips On Writing" I give you here will be about how you can give yourself that writers image. I will discuss things like appearance, writing area, what you see, what you hear, and setting a schedule.


What do you see, in your mind, when you think of a professional writer? Whatever it is should be your guide on how YOU should dress and look. If that image is of a man wearing casual slacks, a open collar shirt, shoes and socks, and sports jacket, then that is the way you should dress. The gender of the writer you see in your mind after words write my custom paper isn't important (unless it matches your gender), it is the way they dress that you want to copy to build your self-image as a writer.

Your writing area, whether a desk in a home office or the kitchen table, needs to be free of clutter. Remove anything that can distract you from writing. Your desk or table top should only have things you need for writing on it. A dictionary or a thesaurus and even files of "work in progress" is good but toys or other things that don't concern writing should be removed.

Everything you can see while you are writing should make you think about writing. For example, on the walls around your desk you could have framed "Writing Goals", writing theme ideas, articles on how to write articles and blogs, your writing schedule, or a picture of a famous writer you find inspiring. When you look at your writing area, either consciously or subconsciously, you should think this is a place a professional writer works.